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Armour for Flowers, 2019
HD video (8'40"), timber, paint, textiles.
First shown at Verge Gallery, July 2019
ARMOUR FOR FLOWERS is about accidental mystical encounters, and how it might be possible to understand and integrate direct spiritual experiences while existing in a stubbornly secular world.
The blue machines are holy relics, remainders of the unutterable thing, and then the textiles are Ontological Comforters or reliquaries, drawing attention to the relic’s sacredness, telling and retelling the story, trying to ground and domesticate but also preserve and protect the inexplicable. They fragment and draw and re-draw the impossible thing, trying to make sense of it, finding patterns, adding language, turning it from raw experience into useable myth.

Exhibition documentation by Zan Wimberly
Excerpt from video component Beast Trinity
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